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The event isn't showing for me!

NOTE: Events are only available on mobile (Android/iOS) and Steam.

  1. Assets are required for each event and they are typically available 1 hour before start time. Reboot your game on a strong internet connection to check for new assets.
  2. Each event has a minimum required season. This is typically Season 6, but it can vary. Always check the Event Coming Soon icon to see what season is needed in order to participate!

Coming Soon / Countdown no longer shows

The badge / icon for events can disappear after syncing your game to the cloud, however it doesn't affect your actual access to the event. Just be sure to check for assets and reboot the game after event start time.

Typical Event Start Times

2:00pm Pacific on Thursdays

5:00pm Pacific on Mondays

9:00am Pacific on Wednesdays

Check Time Zone Converter for your local time

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